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A Healthy Life Is Within Reach

Healthy Living with Nic Watson


Ancient Wisdom forModern Women

Ancient Wisdom forModern Women

Ancient Wisdom forModern Women

For the woman who juggles it all, finding balance is not just a goal—it's essential.

My work focuses on providing you with the tools to navigate life's complexities with a clear mind and steady heart.

By taking care of the "4 Pillars" of Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit and Energy,

you'll gain more resilience and control over your daily life.


By understanding the interconnectedness of your thoughts, physical health, and energy,

you'll gain the support needed to foster and maintain inner peace.

Let's explore practices that ground you, offering a path to healing that's as unique as you are.


Forget waiting for the 'perfect moment' to prioritize your well-being,

it's about connecting with the right guide and their encouraging vibes.  



My services are tailored for savvy women like yourself who seek guidance

and appreciate the holistic approach to healing through the mind-body-energy framework.

Discover your personalized, simple path to balance with our 



Our           zeros in on your current physical health, emotional

well-being, and wellness to craft the most effective path to balance tailored to your unique personality and needs.

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White Pillars


These FOUR PILLARS are a comprehensive approach to holistic well-being.

Pillar OneThe                                               Journey combines Yoga Philosophy, Ayurveda, and Intuitive Coaching
for better energy throughout your day.

Pillar Two:                                                                 integrates Yoga Nidra
with lunar phases and astrology to promote deep relaxation and ease-ful sleep at night.

The Third Pillar,                                                            
 provides a foundational understanding of Ayurveda;
a 5,000 year old healing system from India.

Finally,  the Fourth Pillar is                                              
 with a variety of classes, featuring subtle bodywork, physical alignment,
philosophy, and a supportive community.


Ready for a body breakthrough?

Step into Natural Well-Being and discover comfort redefined.


Tired of feeling off-balance?

Want to tap into your inner strength?


The                                 Journey is your answer.

It's a dynamic wellness adventure that reshapes your life.

 You'll unlock extraordinary health and peace.

Body's been

Body's been

This is what Your



The first thing that you should know is that everything is energy and it omits a code that can be read.


As an energy practitioner, I have been trained to focus on listening to the unspoken truths that you carry.

I can sense when things are out of balance,

whether it be in your eating habits,

daily life or relationships.

There is also a nutritional truth that your body carries, and a peace that your mind craves.


I honor the profound wisdom of the physical body and its connection to our energy and spirit.


                                      , we can navigate through your contractions and empower you

to align more closely with your authentic self.


My work is a pillar of support for women seeking a deeper understanding of themselves

and the harmony within.

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Certified Wellness Coach & Nutrition Expert

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 A Guide to finding your Ideal Weight,

Consistent Daily Energy,

a Path away from Stress,

and Restful Sleep.

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What  they're  saying ... 

I'm becoming a person who takes loving care of
her body, home, finances, mental health, and energy through habits from Ayurveda and Yoga.
I'm finally taking responsibility for me.
Self-care is more important than
"putting on your oxygen mask first."
It's about growing smarter as you grow older. 

Melissa, California

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